Why to choose Voucher Booklet?

  • Direct Reach of potential and existing online customers
  • Individual client visualization on the one page – distribution directly in the online storie´s packages
  • Dominating segment: WOMEN as an online shopping customer
  • Advertiser’s exclusivity guarantee within the segment, with the promotion of the logo on the title page

Service description

The voucher booklet is distributed in the form of inserts in packages. Inserts are carried out by e-shops with a prevailing target group focused on women. Booklets are distributed for 6 weeks according to the editorial plan.

Target group: online stores focusing on women
Distribution: 8 weeks
Total load: 75 000 pcs
Price: 3.990,- RON  (0,053 RON /1 customer reached)


Editorial plan

Technical specifications

Booklet dimensions: 145 x 145 mm
Paper: 90g
Weight: 15 g
Binding type: V2

Front cover is an image page showing the logos of all advertisers and the booklet validity date.